The open-mindedness, ambition, and curiosity of young people are invaluable to Energy Netherlands. That's why there is room for multiple interns throughout the year. Today,...
During the energy crisis, energy suppliers fairly passed on the costs they incurred to their customers. This is evident from research by the Netherlands Authority...
The Climate and Energy Outlook (KEV) 2024 shows that we need to reduce an additional 16 to 24 megatons of CO2 emissions to achieve the...
"To achieve the climate goals, all hands must be on deck," says Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, chair of Energy Netherlands, in response to the climate and...
Energy Netherlands views the research 'Exploration of Alternative Network Tariff System for Small Consumers' by Berenschot as a useful first step towards a discussion on...
The Committee for Climate and Green Growth is currently preparing for the consideration of the Collective Heat Act (Wcw). Therefore, on Thursday, October 17, the...
“The momentum of the heat transition is at risk of being lost due to debates over the ownership of heat companies.” Says Cora van Nieuwenhuizen,...
The focus in the 2025 budget on sustainability, energy security, and affordability provides a solid foundation for the further rollout of the energy transition, according...
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