Trade association of almost 90% of the market for producers, suppliers and traders of electricity, gas and heat.

Our latest news

The focus in the 2025 budget on sustainability, energy security, and affordability provides a solid foundation for the further rollout of the energy transition, according...
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The connecting link in a successful energy transition

Energie-Nederland is the trade association for all parties that produce, supply and trade electricity, gas and heat. Our 80 members are active in both renewable and non-renewable energy and offer various services. We represent almost the entire energy market in the Netherlands. Our members include many innovative players and newcomers to the market. In addition, members develop beautiful sustainable initiatives. Members of Energie-Nederland are amongst the largest investors in renewable energy.
more about Energie-Nederland

How does the energy system work?

View the infographics about the energy systems here


Our topics

Below an overview of the topics that Energie-Nederland focuses on.

Our members

overview members

Our agenda keeps you informed of the latest developments in the energy world. You can also see the events that Energie-Nederland organizes or in which we are involved. They are perfect opportunities to network with industry experts.

E-world Energy & Water 2024, Essen

Van 20 t/m 24 februari 2024, zal E-World Energy & Water 2024 in Essen plaatsvinden. Op deze toonaangevende energie-industrie top komen marktleiders samen voor drie dagen vol innovatie, technologische ontdekkingen en kennisoverdracht in alle sectoren van de energievoorziening en transporttechnologie.


Tijdens het rondetafelgesprek over de Wet collectieve warmte besprak de commissie Klimaat en Groene Groei deze week in de Tweede Kamer de wet met betrokken partijen.

Benieuwd naar de aandachtspunten die @Energie_NL inbracht? Lees onze Position Paper 👇

Energie-NL onderstreept het belang van duidelijkheid over de salderingsregeling.

Open brief van @NVDE, @EnergieSamen, @HollandSolar, @HIERklimaat, @NetbeheerNL, @EnergyStorageNL en @Energie_NL aan bewindslieden en leden van de Tweede Kamer 👇


Association Energie-Nederland
Parkstraat 83
2514 JG Den Haag
+31 (0)70 311 43 50
[email protected]

Want to become a member?
Read more here

Association Energie-Nederland
Parkstraat 83
2514 JG Den Haag
+31 (0)70 311 43 50
[email protected]

Want to become a member?
Read more here