Temporary Energy Emergency Fund reopens in January for households with high energy bills and a lower income

The Temporary Energy Emergency Fund will open for the second time in January 2024 to help households with a lower income and a high energy bill.

Compared to 2023, more people are likely to qualify for help:

People with a low income (up to 130 percent social minimum) can apply for support if they spend 8 percent of their income on their energy bill. In 2023 this was 10 percent. For people with a low middle income (up to 200 percent social minimum), this limit is 10 percent of the income, instead of 13 percent last year.

The Emergency Fund is also taking several measures to improve accessibility and services. The Emergency Fund wants to ensure that it is easier for households to submit an application and that processing times are shortened. The Emergency Fund wants to ensure that more households are able to apply independently.

In 2023, more than 50,000 households will have received support from the Emergency Fund. A total of 43.7 million euros was paid out.

Energy suppliers Budget Energie, Essent, ENGIE, Eneco, Greenchoice, Innova, Pure Energie, Vattenfall en Vrij op Naam and the central government have pledged support to the fund for next year with a total contribution of 60 million euros.

How do you qualify?

To be eligible for support, the amount of the energy bill will be taken into account in relation to the income in the coming year. The following households can receive support from the Emergency Fund:

  • The household has a gross income of a maximum of 200 percent of the social minimum. The amounts include 8 percent holiday pay and exclude surcharges.
  • Households have an energy contract for gas, electricity and/or district heating with an energy supplier. The bill is (depending on income) higher than 8 to 10 percent of the joint gross income.
  • The Emergency Fund pays the part of the monthly energy bill that is more than 8 to 10 percent of the joint gross income of a household. A household can apply for a contribution for the following 6 months.
  • The exact conditions will be explained when it reopens in January.

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