Advice of the Week #6 – Use the enormous potential of the North Sea: for natural gas production, wind energy and hydrogen

What do we mean by this? Natural gas The Netherlands is currently 75% dependent on imports for its energy supply. Own production of wind energy and hydrogen can reduce this dependency in the long term. Natural gas in the North Sea will remain necessary until then. The Netherlands has stricter gas production requirements, which means that less CO2 is released than with imported gas and it does not have to be transported over thousands of kilometers. Dutch gas is therefore better for the climate than, for example, shale gas from America.

Wind energy Due to its location on the North Sea, the Netherlands has enormous potential to produce affordable and clean energy. The Netherlands has set various targets for offshore wind (for electricity generation): 21 gigawatts (GW) in 2031, 50GW in 2040 and 70GW in 2050. That is a huge task given that there is currently 4.5GW of offshore wind energy. power is. So many things are still needed to achieve the future goals.

Hydrogen In addition, the production of green hydrogen must be given a boost. For example, green hydrogen can offer a solution if industrial processes are not easy to electrify. Offshore wind energy can serve as a source for producing green hydrogen. Green hydrogen is currently much more expensive than grey hydrogen. Therefore, there is no demand for it. The unprofitable top must be covered to get green hydrogen, and this promising chain, off the ground.

Why now? There have been two moments recently where our chairperson Cora van Nieuwenhuizen has spoken on the importance of hydrogen. E-World Energy & Water took place in Essen on February 20-22. Representatives of the energy industry came together to share their vision of the future energy system. Energie-Nederland of course also participated in E-World, where our chairperson, together with Kerstin Andreae (Chairperson of BDEW), discussed the importance of hydrogen.

Today (27 February) Van Nieuwenhuizen joined Goedemorgen Nederland on WNL to talk about the opportunities and challenges of hydrogen production, including in the North Sea.

*One of the 10 recommendations that Energie-Nederland sent to the new Members of Parliament. In the coming period, we will explain these one by one, depending on current events.

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