Response to ACM decision on social prioritization

Energie-Nederland would have preferred that prioritization of projects would not be necessary, but understands that it is necessary in the current times of grid scarcity.

Chairperson Cora van Nieuwenhuizen: “It is a logical choice that projects that reduce congestion on the electricity grid are given priority, immediately followed by matters that are of great importance to our safety and society. The aim must be to make this last as short as possible. After all, every project that is given priority means a delay for someone else, while you want everyone who wants to become more sustainable to be helped quickly with a connection.”

Energie-Nederland warns of new bureaucracy in the implementation of this decision. “There should be no lengthy discussions about what exactly is congestion relief or about the definitions of the different categories, etc. It must be practical and quickly applicable, both for applicants and network operators, otherwise it will defeat its own purpose,” says Van Nieuwenhuizen.

Energie-Nederland continues to draw attention to the accelerated strengthening and expansion of the grid. After all, that is the most effective solution for the lack of capacity.

ACM also wants to be able to oblige companies to offer flexibility to the grid operator. This goes very far because companies still experience a lot of uncertainty surrounding the conditions. Energie-Nederland has previously expressed its concerns about this. Such (imminent) interventions in business operations can undermine support for the energy transition.

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